Monday, February 23, 2009

Open House

If you are interested in attending the open house this Saturday at 1pm, please email for driving directions. The open house will start at 1pm and shouldn't take more than half an hour or so. If you are planning on registering your child at Kid Academy during this open house, please bring a copy of their shot record and payment for the registration fee. Thank you~

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Registration/Open House

Registration for currently enrolled students and siblings is well underway. New Students will be able to register anytime after Wednesday February 25th. I will be holding an open house on Saturday February 28th at 1pm. If you are unable to make it please email me and I will and schedule another open house in March. During this open house parents will be able to meet the teacher and see the classroom however, please keep in mind that the classroom is still very much under construction~