Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Class Enrollment

Kid Academy will be offering three classes starting in January. I currently have two spots available in the 3 year old class and three spots available in the 4 year olds class. If you are interested and would like to enroll please email for forms and information!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


We had such a fun month. Each week we focused on two Christmas books. We read "The Giving Tree" and talked about thinks we can give to those we love that wouldn't cost money. We read "The Gingerbread Baby" and made yummy cookies. We read "The Mitten" and talked about cold weather clothes. We even made a mittens and filled them with woodland creatures! We read "Snowmen At Christmas" and had our parents come watch our Holiday Program. Our last days of class we had a Polar Express party! The children came to school in their pajamas and we read the book with Mrs. Clause! We are now on Winter Break. School will begin again on January 11th.